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Shooting Stars

AGES 0 - 2 Years

Our Shooting Stars room is an area for babies to explore, with their own access to outside via patio doors, and an open view into the Busy Bees room, making their transition as stress free as possible. 

Busy Bees

AGES 2 - 3 Years

Our Busy Bees room caters for toddlers from 2 - 3 years of age. All children are provided with age related resources and experiences to help them develop in a safe and secure environment.

Wise Owls

AGES Pre-School

The children build on the EYFS curriculum of learning though play, whilst introducing new learning opportunities to develop skills in all areas. Our Wise Owls are encouraged to be independent and curious learners in preparation for their transition to school.


Outside Area

AGES All age groups

We totally believe that the outdoors is beneficial to all childrens health and wellbeing and a great place to develop curiosity, concentration and experiential learning Our outside areas are designed especially for nursery age children  and offer a rich learning environment supporting the development of  all areas of learning and healthy and active lifestyles through physical activity, movement and freedom. The children enjoy fresh air, space  to play and learn where they can connect with the natural world.

We are very lucky to have a purpose built outdoor areas, nursery garden and a woodland area and playing field right opposite to us giving us excellent opportunities for all our children.

"Teaching is excellent in every room. Staff challenge the children at every opportunity and promote their inquisitiveness" - Ofsted 2018
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