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"Parents are children’s first and enduring educators. When parents and practitioners work together in early years settings, the results have a positive impact on children’s development and learning." - EYFS 2017


Parents and carers are important members of our nursery with valuable knowledge and information to share about their children. By sharing information, you can make sure that we provide the most appropriate care and education for your child.


Parent Partnerships

At Sparthfield Happy Day Nursery we want parents to be fully involved in our practice. We offer our EYLog online learning journey system for parents to input your child's experiences and "wow" moments. These help us plan relevant activities, we also offer home learning ideas and we have resources available for you to take home to further extend learning. We encourage you to become involved in all aspects of the setting. We invite all parents to be involved in the nursery's management . We also keep you up-to-date and involved by holding regular parent evenings, play sessions, transition sessions, children's performances and other special days. Newsletters are sent via the EYLog email system and we post regularly on Facebook. Within nursery there are parent’s notice board's to share the latest information about nursery activities.



Key Person

The setting operates a key person /buddy system and upon joining you and your child will receive support from an experienced member of staff responsible for your child's individual needs. Your child's key worker will find out from you about your child's interests, likes, dislikes and special requirements. Although the key worker will be your dedicated point of contact for questions and answers, all staff will be happy to feedback or discuss any concerns with you. Due to the length of the nursery day your key person may not always be available, at these times the "buddy" will act as your child's key person. The key worker will also monitor and keep confidential records of your child's progress and achievements. These records are always available for you to see and contribute towards. 

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